I get really fed up with cats and rooks in my garden. I had to give up on the vegetable and herb patches because the cats kept using it as their toilet and the rooks kept digging it up! I still regularly shoo them away when I spot them.Yesterday I saw a black cat or a rook through the etched glass in the back porch door, (which was why I was unsure as to which it was exactly) so I quietly fetched the key to the door and placed it as quietly as I could in the lock."I'm going to have to be quick, unlocking then opening the door," I thought to myself, so I took a deep breath, turned the key and as soon as it clicked, snatched open the door to find......a black bin liner on the path.Well disguised.
I thought it would be nice, well, the done thing really, to wash and dry the ski suit Ciara borrowed for her recent ski trip.So I did. I washed it today with the technical stuff I have (had, finished it) to do my outdoor kit and popped it on the line outside to drip off the worst of the wet before hanging it indoors to dry. Just chipped off the icicles when I brought it back inside. Doh!
I'm going to do my bit and take part in a sponsored walk with a few friends along the Dava Way to raise funds for Ciara's old Brownie pack. Ciara is a Guide now, but she still goes to Brownies as a Pack Leader. (Sounds grand, she's a great help with a difficult Brownie I gather!)David and I walked the Dava Way about eighteen months ago as the second day of a two day backpacking trip, so I know I can complete the walk and in fact it should be easier because I will not be carrying a 24lb pack!I considered it would good training for the Big Walk.We did a training walk on Saturday, "Just 12 miles!" said Angela (Fluffy Owl) enthusiastically, "Varied landscape, it'll be fun!"It was actually good fun, but nearer 14 miles and the first six and a half were up hill... We lost Brown Owl enroute, but she hadn't been well for a couple of weeks, so we forgave her that. Her husband picked her up from Angela's house where we enjoyed our lunch and especially the hot soup, tea and flapjack she provided as a treat.It was good and I'm really looking forward to our next walk. It'll probably take more to recover from the Scrabble night we're having here on Friday!