...was my 39th birthday!We had a lovely day, nice pressies and a trip to the cinema to see Pirates III
and loved it.I'm counting down the days till my next birthday, not saying I'm a tad excited. I love birthdays.Happy birthday me!
My boy's going to be an engineer.He's just won a commended place in the Regional Final at Aberdeen with his partner, Daniel, in the school K'Nex Challenge, Junior Engineer competition. They were in the top 10 teams out of 160 in North East Scotland.As my mother would say, "Proud? I should coco!"Never understood that one myself, but fits the bill. Chuffed to bits!They've to go to Glasgow for the Final on the 20th June.I'm not sure who's more excited...
Oh, I've managed to restrain myself for over 24 hours, but I've got to tell you. I ran 3.66 miles yesterday, without walking. In 40 minutes and 52 seconds. I am just a tad chuffed with myself. Doesn't make my legs sore, but my word, makes my arm hurt! I have found some natural anti-inflammatories, so I'm hoping that will help, along with paracetamol if necessary.3.66 miles! In 40 minutes and 52 seconds!!Have to see if I can do it again sometime...
So, yesterday I was thinking, "Yey, I have no car to breakdown and if the dishwasher or washing machine breakdown, I can live without them for a couple of days 'til David gets home, no worries!"Then, I woke up this morning. To my total and utter horror, there was an enormous spider, on the ceiling, above my bed.And it kept moving.Took me ages to get dressed, put my make-up on and do my hair, I kept having to check over my shoulder to see what it as up to. It couldn't have picked a worse place to jangle my nerves!All day, I kept popping upstairs to check up on him and by the time the children came home from school, I couldn't stand it any longer. Aedan took the vacuum cleaner upstairs, stood on a chair and sucked it up the extension tube. He even placated me in the same bored tone as David does, "Yes, it's gone. Yes, it's dead."So, that's dealt with.This morning, I finally got around to starting my light weight training, (for my backpacking trip). I did about half an hour with 1.5 kg weights and just two sets of 12 repetitions. Oddly enough, this evening I have found that when I put my dressing gown on, when I normally have pain in my upper arm, (the tendonitis) I have none! Neat! Maybe, if I keep up with it, by the time my appointment with the physiotherapist comes through, I won't need it. Now, that would be great.We'll see.
Our eldest boy was 10 years old yesterday, I can't believe that. Always seems to have more impact when our second child hits a milestone, rather than the eldest, quite daft really! Anyway, I digress. He received mainly fishing 'stuff', so Daddy duely took him off to the beach to fish. Well, try to fish. Aedan remembers everything he's been taught by a friend who's taken him a few times, but the weather let him down. It was a lovely day, but a tad breezy for casting.No fish for supper! (That didn't come out of the freezer, along with the chips...)I made him a Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting for his birthday cake, at his request. It was lush and saddly, two of the children didn't like it. All the more for the rest of us, I say!David has just gone for a little trip to the Med today. Hope it rains.My Aunty Nora wrote me a lovely letter after she recieved my sympathy card. She has passed my contact details onto to two of my four cousins and I'm looking forward to finding out more about them. It's so sad that we've had to wait for this opportunity to get to know one another, but I'm quite curious.
Er, I seem to have missed my own birthday.No, not my birthday, the birthday of my blog. Whoops. Oh well, happy belated birthday, blog!Other news, I went out for a run this morning. Two minutes past six, to be precise. Before David went to work. Bit keen you might think, but I don't like running in the heat and, whilst today is looking a bit misty and damp, you never can tell, so I bit the bullet and went out when I woke up.I'm so glad I did! I ran, yes, ran all the way, two and a half miles. In twenty seven minutes! I'm sooooo chuffed and incredibly smug.I have been gradually building up the distance, so I'm quite pleased. Hopefully, by the time we do our thirty five mile backpacking in two days challenge in nine weeks and five days, I'll be reasonably fit and maybe half a stone lighter. Wey hey!Oh, and Rhiannon is on her school trip at the moment, five days in Glasgow. I'm not thinking about it. At all. Nope.Ironing beckons, I'm on a roll for 'getting stuff done', so "I'll be back" (in a thick, Austrian accent,) later.