They can cook too!
With the help of daddy, Rhiannon and Aedan have made the children's dinner tonight. Macaroni (well, pasta shells actually) Cheese and Fresh Fruit Salad with Ice Cream. Making a sauce is always a useful skill in the kitchen, it can be a base or accompaniment for so many things. No, they didn't make the ice cream, but maybe one day. Looks great and smells delicious.
Why aren't we having any? My thriftyness always leads to a glut of chicken wings, which the children don't like for some reason, so David and I will have Sticky Wings later, because, as usual, I forgot to get them out of the freezer and they only started to marinate at 4pm, so I'll give them about three hours before I throw them into a hot oven. I've made a cheeky wee tomato, cucumber, chilli and coriander salad for on the side too and David has just requested spicy potato wedges. Ah well, a woman's work...
Oh bless, they're clearing the table and putting the dishes in the dishwasher. Husband may not be completely housetrained, but the children will be if it kills me!
David cooked last night, to be fair, Rabbit with Apples and Cider, just a little introduction to other game for them. They've all tried venison in the past, which they seemed to like and they enjoy duck too. The boys asked to try pigeon, so for Sunday Dinner we are having Pigeon with Cabbage and Bacon, which I'm really looking forward to. The boys will give it a good try, Ciara will at least have a go, Rhiannon may not be so adventurous, but if they just try a little bite, that's enough.
I feel a nice chilled white coming on.
Mr Fox Pinched My Porridge
2 days ago
Well I'm blowed.
It's worked!
Hey! I'm back! Yipppppeeeeeee!!
Great post - your menus sound very interesting.
I'm lucky if I can get my children to try anything more adventurous thatn a fish-finger....
Where did I go wrong?
Just come back to check. Yes. It really has worked. I can comment! I can talk!! I'm alive!!!!
Oh, it's been quiet round here.
Rabbit went down ok, ish. The pigeon, well, that went down fine with the boys, Ciara wasn't sure, but ate it all and agreed she'd try it again to see what she thinks next time. Rhiannon had made up her mind she wasn't going to like it...
David has to cook the game mostly, I can manage duck and venison, but if I cooked the rest of it, I wouldn't be able to eat it. Don't ask!
Missed you!
.. and mine are having a boring spag bol tonight. Mind you, I am rather a dab hand at the old spag bol, though I say so myself... secret ingredient: vegetable puree instead of tomato puree and a mix of fresh skinned toms as well as tinned (takes the acidic edge off). not that I've bothered with that today - it's just tinned today!!!
Must be a pasta day. Today, it's pasta and tomato sauce, but my cheating goes a step further than yours... fresh Tesco (other sauces are available) tomato pasta sauce, 'cos I just can't be a****, but I did make four loaves of bread earlier!
I'm not in a pasta mood though, so I've just tossed up with David who could have the left over vegetable curry in the freezer from last week and I won! Marvelous.
Suppose I'd better go and root it out. Could be anywhere, in an unmarked container...
Enjoy1 Ever tried home-making naan? Comes out quite well, despite not having a dratted clay oven!
I meant enjoy!, not enjoy1 - lest you think I'm trying to ration your food intake!
I have done homemade naan in the past, but wasn't overly impressed by them. If you could perhaps see your way to maybe sharing your recipe, I would be eternally grateful. Please, please, please!
I sure can (and my friend who hails from Asia wS IMPRESSED WHEN SHE TRIED IT!)
Sorry about the caps - they slipped i without me noticing. Just ignore them.
50 g fresh yeast
1/4 teasp sugar
2 tabs warm water
500 g self raising flour
1 tsp salt
1/4 pint tepid water
1 x 150g natural yogurt
2 tabs melted butter or oil
to finish:
2 - 3 tabs melted butter
1 tabs poppy seeds
Do you want to know what to do with it?
I can probably make it up as I go along, now I have the ingredients. Thank you! I'll give it a bash, next time I feel a curry coming on.
Oh, that'll be a week on Friday then, when I'm doing Butternut Squash and Lentil Curry for my sister and brother-in-law. Yum.
Mind you, you are a little naughty. Mixing Imperial with Metric?!
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