Saturday, February 24, 2007

A little excited

Nearly seven years ago, I planted a young Camellia in my garden. It's in a nice spot, but I must confess to never having fed it. I leave it to it's own thing really.

I've just noticed that the buds that had appeared, that I had assumed were the usual new leaf buds, look like they could actually be flower buds!

I'm a little excited about this. I am not reknowned for my green fingers.

I shall post pictures if I was right.

If I'm wrong, I shall keep very quiet...


Anonymous said...

Its' me again - sorry about being anonymous all the time, but my blogger is playing up.

I'm excited for you - I do hope it's a flower!

Louise said...

Oh so do I!

It's ok, I know when I've had a comment from 'anonymous' that it's you really, I won't hold it against you!

It'll be a shock when it's someone else...