Saturday, January 20, 2007

Just a stroll

I wish!

David had the day off yesterday, so as the children were at school, we decided to go for a walk. From here to Findhorn, (again) then east along the beach past the back of the base and to Roseisle, a rather nice forestry commision bit with a beach. We sat and ate our lunch there while watching a treecreeper, then walked back to Findhorn.

If we hadn't have stopped at the pub there for pint and a plate of chips (yum. Real ale and chips) we wouldn't have had to route march the last two miles home in time to collect Conall from school. Actually four hours and ten minutes on the move to cover fifteen miles. Not bad, I thought.

Going to regret it tomorrow, I think.

Have you ever noticed how it takes two days for exercise to catch up with you?!

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