No, I haven't hit the sales and bought cards, wrapping paper and gifts well in advance, (not even I am that organised!) but I have decided what gifts I will buy for friends and family this Christmas.
Yep, you read that right. Trees.
I was inspired by one of my sil's Christmas gift last year, (last year already?) of buying a breeze block for each family member to build a school in an African country, organised by her local Catholic church.
Now, that was a lovely idea, but you know me, all things environment are my thing. So, this year, I will be buying trees for my family and friends. Probably not tagged or with a plaque, because then I can buy more!
Might even get one for David.
And me!
Mr Fox Pinched My Porridge
2 days ago
That's a fantastic idea.
Lots of family friends bought trees in memory of my dad when he died. It's a great thing.
Yes, I'm pretty chuffed with the idea, I have to say.
I'd like to buy broadleaf trees I think, oak perhaps. Something longliving (hopefully) and native. I'm really looking forward to it now!
Best stop that before I wish this year away, that would be silly. Especially as last year went so quickly.
Nothing to do with trees - back to the Yorkies - EIGHT eggs? (I've been meaning to follow that comment up but can not comment on blogs unless I sign in through some laborious process which I don't often have time to do...)
8 eggs it is then. If James says 8 eggs, then 8 eggs it is. I'm looking forard to this!
Eight eggs
Eight ounces flour
Eight fluid ounces milk
Pinch salt
Is that what I put before?
I'll be back.
Yes, that's right, but I do only make half the amount and still get more than a dozen enourmouse yorkies.
(Confession. When you mentioned Yorkies, I was away with a chocolate bar and totally confused. The name James was no help at this point, but then puddings came into my head and it all made sense. I am a bear of little brain and a lousy memory!)
James - yummy!
(Visions of James and an enormous Yorkshire Pudding just made go hot all over, I need a lie down...)
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